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5 tips for an eco friendly lifestyle

Updated: Feb 9, 2023

It is not as hard as we think to live a sustainable life, keeping close to the nature :)

Eco friendly life style, sustainable shopping habits and cruelty free life is the new trend!

Here we try to present you some tips that we follow!

You might be already up on the game or trying to be as sustainable as possible, ether way we hope these tips can help you.

Tip #1 - Start from the house!

Next time you need to replace your light bulbs, shift from CFL to LED bulbs. LED bulbs are affordable and proven to be lasting longer so you do not have to keep changing your bulbs often.

Open your windows and blinds to get extra sun light :) Sunlight comes with many benefits as we already know ;)

Turning off lights when you leave the room could be an easy alternative to paying big electricity bills that we all hate. Don't we? :/

If the space permits you, put on your wet cloths to dry on a rack instead of using the dryer.

Use scrap paper, news paper and paper from old unwanted books to collect pet's poo.

Tip #2 - Try to grow your own food!

Wait before you say NO!

We all can grow something on our kitchen counter, balcony, or window sill. Let's grow our own herbs to start with. It is not that hard. Green thumb does not exist! It is all about the love and time you invest on growing a plant and we are sure you will love it once you start doing it :)

Use the vegetable scrap from the supermarket to make a small compost bin. In a few months, burry them in soil and you won't be needing any fertilizer.

Use cuttings that you throw from herbs to regrow them. Add them in a jar of water. They will grow and you can have a mini continues supply of herbs in your kitchen :)

Tip #3 - Food & grocery

This particular topic can go on for pages, but to summarize;

Let's buy our produces from local vendors.

Take your own bag for grocery shopping. Use bags made from natural materials than using plastic bags.

Avoid buying produces that are insanely wrapped in plastic.

Buy in bulk if possible. Bulk usually come with good offers :)

Choose glass bottled or tinned beverages over plastic bottles.

Tip #4 - Clothing and fashion

Buy second hand cloths. Fashion always repeats ;)

Adapt a minimalist life style. It is beautiful in it's own way.

Buy long lasting good quality items than shopping more frequently.

Buy from ethical and eco friendly brands. It is a win win situation for people who are trying do good.

Recycle old cloths as kitchen towels, table cloth and door mat. It can be a nice weekend hobby to try a handcraft.

Tip #5 - Children

Our children are using an overwhelming amount of plastic toys and this is something that we can change.

Let's buy and gift our kids wooden toys or toys made of sustainable materials.

Buy from local vendors

Donate or gift the used toys to other kids than throwing toys away.

Don't hesitate to buy pre loved toys and books.

Buy eco friendly baby diapers, tissues etc.

Sounds easy right?


Are we paying enough attention?

Unfortunately, no! :(

Let's change this. Sustainable and eco friendly goods are within out reach. Even more so, within a click of a button, so why wait?

Let's try to leave behind a greener and cleaner planet to our children and the next generations to come!

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